The easiest way to take unlimited control of the light is with adaptive roller shutters. Once they are in place, you can easily let precisely as much light into the interior as you desire. This way, the interior is shaded when the sun shines too strongly and brightens when natural light is still available instead of artificial light. This is crucial in hot weather, as blocking out the sun will reduce the heating of an already sufficiently warm interior.
Adaptive roller shutters are designed to be installed during the construction of a house or when it is already in use. The latter is the default option because they are surface-mounted, i.e. shutters that are installed on the façade. They are not embedded in any way and can also be removed without damaging the masonry. It is important that when the installation is performed before the construction is finished, the walls are already done. Otherwise, the installation may turn out faulty, and the shutters may not offer full functionality.
The curtains of adaptive roller shutters are filled with special substances which reduce their heat transfer coefficient. As a result, the roller shutter will provide additional protection against heat loss for your home. It is particularly important when the building does not have quality warm windows. However, even with excellent thermal insulation already present, further improvement in preparation for winter is worthwhile. It will make itself felt on the heating bill.
Burglars always choose the easiest targets, and this will never be a house equipped with anti-burglary adaptive roller shutters. In practice, shutters with a security class of RC3, or even only RC2, are relatively sufficient, as they will most likely not have to counteract an actual break-in attempt. A potential intruder who sees such a security measure will choose another target the owners have not decided to protect.
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